Burp! – Score and Script

Back in December I took part in John Miers very fun exhibition Score and Script. The unconventional premise was to base a comicstrip either on a visual, or written breakdown of a comic strip John had previously written and drawn. John describes the whole process in this excellent interview with Paul Gravett.

The breakdowns for each “Score” or “Script” were pretty bare and fairly abstract, particularly the Score (visual) breakdown. Boy the teeth-gnashing that filtered through for that one! I was lucky enough to dodge that crazy bullet, eventually plumping for the Script choice.

I took the bare-boned words and fashioned a jolly little story involving a couple of my favourite foils, Burp and Snake. I think I stuck to every cue and resolved any hanging plot holes that revealed themselves in the process.

Anyway,  you be the judge! (I’ve put the script underneath so you can contrast and compare)

(Click to enlarge)


Here’s the script:

A has the flesh of a fruit which [he/she/it] begins to eat.

B has the seeds, which [he/she/it] plants.

A realises that [he/she/it] will have no source of food after eating the fruit.

B begins to starve while waiting for a tree to grow.

The remainder of the fruit will sustain A and B until a tree grows.

And here are a few more examples I found dotted around the net of people’s marvellous strips from the exhibition:

Dan Berry 

John Cei Douglas

David O’Connell

John Riordan

(If there are anymore out there, I’d happily link to them!)