Sketching garden dudes

I loves little garden dudes. So I’ve been sketching them. Not like technical illustrations – STUPID illustrations. You won’t find these in the Natural History Museum library. Although, saying that, the butterfly is a Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)

The caterpillar is invented. His name is Bob. Bob Caterpillar.


Tumblrs are back! Little personal online scrapbooks where you can find all sorts of weird and wonderful images and links.

Maybe they never went away, but I had one about a billion years ago which I used for bookmarking lovely comic stuff I found. It was only a personal thing, so I gave it the crummiest name: Comic Scrapbook. Innovative, eh?

Here’s someĀ  tatty Tezuka book covers, just the sort of thing I loved to Tumblr

Anyway, what with my over-burgeoning comic-related bookmark tab and a rise in brilliant Tumblrs to follow, I’ve dusted Comic Scrapbook down and I’ll be linking again to all sorts of lovely comic-related eyecandy.