New Derek!

Hooray! It’s another month, which means there’s another Derek in the Beanomax!!!

This month Derek and his sheepy pals are woken from their woolly lazy world and are subjected to the raving loony that is Clarence the keep-fit sheepdog.

Here’s a marvelous sequence:

So sprawling was this story, that it’s a TWO-PARTER!!! Yep, so you have to wait a whole month to see how it finishes. And its totally nuts, I tell ya.

And while you’re busy buying the Beanomax, pick up the exciting new Dandy featuring loads of brand new strips! Shamefully I didn’t have time to contribute a strip due to my over-burgeoning schedule (including work on my BRAND NEW graphic novel coming out from Walker in about a year’s time. Woohoo!!! More on this soon. It contains dinosaurs is all I’m saying at the mo’…).

Anyway, good luck to the Dandy and all its contributors!

Ta ra!!


  1. Well done sheep! Looks like that Clarence needs to be put right on a couple of matters, I’d say. Awesome two panels! I’m going to have to get my hands on a copy of that Beanomax!

  2. Cheers old Bean! Part two is the nuts. Just ask Ellen, she coloured it!

  3. i couldnt find tht beanomax so i will just have to buy the second pt only πŸ™ btw can you please make another derek the sheep book cause i wud love one

  4. I bet if you got in touch with the Beano office, they’d have back issues to sell.

    I would love to have a 2nd Derek book out too, but we’ll have to wait and see. Currently I’m working on a book starring brand new characters, so we’ll wait till that’s out of the way.

    Many thanks!


    • thanks for the reply i reli appreciate it and hope ur book is in time for christmas for i cnt wait for it to hit the shops!

      • Unfortunately not! Be a while before it turns up I’m afraid. Still working on it now, with Spring in mind to complete the artwork. Then it’s a year from delivered artwork to the bookshelves πŸ™

        Sorry to make you wait!

  5. Simon Tofield says

    Hi Gary, I must say I love those little illustrations you do where you colour them with watercolours. They have loads of charm and are very inspiring. Best wishes Simon T

  6. Thanks Simon. they keep me occupied at comic fairs in-between selling books. One of these days I’ll set up an Etsy store and pop them on there!